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What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal. During your appointment I will insert a small probe into your hair follicle and deliver a small amount of energy into the follicle to kill the hair. I will then lift the hair gently out with tweezers.

What does it feel like?

Because the probe is inserted into the natural opening of the hair there will be no poking or probing. Most people describe a warm or brief stinging sensation when the energy is delivered to the root of the hair.

Pink Sugar
White Structure

How long does it take?

Because each hair is treated individually, larger areas or areas with more hair will take longer or more frequent appointments. Electrolysis is a slow process but absolutely worth your patience. Expect 12-18 months of regular appointments to be hair free. The good news is every time a hair grows back, if it grows back, will be thinner and finer.

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